Monday, November 07, 2022

2022 Midterm Election Thoughts – # 6

--Final Thoughts Regarding our Exceptional Society--

Stop asking survey respondents if the country is heading in the right/wrong direction – What does that mean? There are too many single-issue voters who believe the nation is sliding into the dumpster because we’re killing babies or bacon costs too much or colored people are getting too uppity. The question is too broad and subjective and the resulting number is there only to get headline attention.

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis

Where do we go from here?Pedophile, cannibal, Satan-worshiping Democrats?!?
I would not be surprised if one day, the real “Q” comes forward with a revelation that he (I can’t believe a woman would do this) just got tired of making up the most ridiculous nonsense because there are always enough people who will believe anything.

For example – (2/8/21) According to the latest dumb, ditzy conspiracy theory, Joe Biden has NOT been in the White House…he’s been secreted away in California…because…

Wait for it.

Since the nation was turned into a corporation in 1870 (Who knew? By whom? Why? – Can’t say), Donald J. Trump on March 4th, will be sworn in as the nation’s 19th president of the “restored” nation (Ulysses Grant was the 18th president in 1870 and all the rest are illegitimate). Executions are expected to follow.

Somewhere there must be a huge pile of unused/discarded brains…maybe filling an abandoned mine shaft in West Virginia.

Lock Them All Up – Lawyers who knowingly aid and abet criminal activity must be disbarred and charged. Congressional representatives who helped the insurrectionists scout the capitol in advance should be charged and expelled.

By Kevin Kallaugher, The Economist

Stop saying you’re fighting for me and start actually hitting somebody – There used to be Democrats that were called ‘firebrands.’ Wisconsin Senator Robert LaFollette was nicknamed ‘Fighting Bob.’ President Franklin Roosevelt gave a famous speech in 1936 where he identified a number of forces aligned against him and said, “I welcome their hatred.” There is nothing like this in the current timid Democrat leadership. I desperately want to be wrong but I believe they are going to lose.

History has shown we have a tendency to vote for the opposition in the mid-terms. Here’s where the party in power (allegedly, in this case) is always targeted for whatever is not going well and that urge for change is stoked by the opposition and the media.

Instead of reminding us just how bad the Trump administration was at doing just about everything (except giving more money to rich people) and how their miserable criminal response allowed Covid to kill a million Americans and wreck the economy, the Dems seem to be willing to accept the old saw that mid-terms are rough on incumbents. Until just days before November 8, there was no passion, no defense and no offense…just mild pro-forma pronouncements that give little indication that this election could set the stage for the end of our democracy as we know it. I wish I knew who was responsible for this game plan.

I can’t see the Dems holding the House and new Speaker McCarthy will ensure that the best possible outcome will be legislative gridlock and the worst will be multiple ugly inquisitions and calls for impeachment. Even if Democrats hold their majority in the Senate, Mitch will control the agenda like he does now.

By Mike Luckovich (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

I wish this great nation would realize what this election is about, turn out in record numbers, restore common sense to our government and take very seriously the threats of so many candidates who literally promise to throw out election results they don’t like.


At November 07, 2022 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common sense - we are rapidly losing that. Here in largely Democratic controlled CA we still have Repubs that are doing their best to fan the flames of righteous indignation to produce more Q-nuts. The latest effort on the Central Coast was to spread rumors on social media that one school district has students that identify as “furries” - furry animals of sorts - and are demanding that litter boxes be installed in all school district bathrooms for their use. Apparently enough people had inquired and demanded expanations that the head of the school district had to issue a statement saying there had been no such requests and no littler boxes were being installed. When the SLO Tribune published an article covering this statement - the Q nuts wrote comments complaining that the paper and the school district should concentrate on teaching our kids rather than cover such left wing lunacy. The circle is complete - wash/rinse/repeat. Rant on Ted - we need some politicians that are wiling to stand up and say enough with the lunacy.

At November 09, 2022 7:54 AM, Blogger Ted Ringger said...

A school in Colorado installs a litter box so kids can relieve themselves while being locked down because some Second Amendment Patriot wack-job is on the rampage. The far right amplifies and spreads nonsense about 'furries' taking over bathrooms everywhere...then blames the lefty media for covering it. We've fallen down the rabbit hole.
Thanks for visiting and for the support. I'm happy to return to safer, saner topics.


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