Thursday, November 03, 2022

2022 Midterm Election Thoughts – # 3

--“When they go low, we go hide”--

Silly, archaic me. I always thought that our elected officials depended on feedback from their constituents. I go back to a time when we wrote to them to express what we supported or opposed…and…shock and awe…they would write back. At least somebody did.

Those letters, signed in real ink (by real signature-generating machines) acknowledged your outreach. The times were more polite then. You can still send mail to their offices but they don’t write back anymore.

Below are two examples of this citizen’s attempt to reach Democrat Party candidates and organizations. They are response to money requests which have been constant for the past two years. Unlike those bygone times, not one of my communications has generated responses. I guess you’ll understand why after reading them.

May 2021

Dear Democrats,

In 2020 I gave money to 15 Democrat Senate candidates but not to any of these ossified “committees” who believe that the hundreds of millions of dollars they raised was the reason they barely defeated the worst president in history and a radical GOP that would throw out Ronald Reagan if he were still around.

You need to realize that too many of the 74 million votes cast for that moron were not for Trump but were AGAINST the Democrats. You have allowed Republicans to paint your party as the biggest threat to this country…just like you allowed Republicans to make voter suppression an accepted American value…just like you allowed Trump to solidify the ‘Big Lie’ about voter fraud. Why didn’t ANY of you get in his face when he first made that claim and say, “That’s a damn lie. Prove it or stop saying it.” Now, every red state continues to erode our democracy based on nonsense…and you all sit around like this is all politics as usual. It is not.

You need to modify Michele Obama’s dictum about “When they go low, we go high.” You don’t have to be as awful as Republicans but you do need to DEFEND YOURSELF. Stop being so damn nice because you are going to lose your slim majorities in 2022.

I was once a Republican but will never vote for one again since they are evil. I am not a Democrat since your party is just dopey. I am an Independent…the unaffiliated who outnumber Democrats and whose votes you need in every election.

However, I am tired of being inundated by Democrat fundraising mail…by pleas from the DNC, the DSCC, the DCCC, the DGA and now the DLCC. I am tired of getting letters from Vote Blue, the Turnout Project and other Democrat money machines. I am tired of getting mail from states and candidates I never supported because you spread my address around. And I am really tired of the bogus “surveys” that invite me to prioritize a pre-selected list of issues as if anyone would actually consider them…even if a check were enclosed.

You don’t need more money. You need a message that reaches middle America…and the balls to say it loud. You need to remind our citizens with short memories just how bad the last four years have been…that they need a government that works and how hard it is trying to make government work when Republicans oppose everything and have no ideas of their own.

So, do yourself a favor. Until I see some gumption and push-back on the GOP and Trump and Fox News, I will not send any money. You guys are drunk on money and given the amount of mail I get, all you seem to use it for is to raise more money. Instead, you will get more letters like this.

Most Sincerely,

9/19/22 – I broke down and sent a check to Rep. Val Demings who is challenging Marco Rubio for the Florida Senate seat. I had to add a short note.


The next time I see Ms. Demings on TV and she’s asked about Trump and the classified documents he held, please do NOT begin by saying that the problem is that Mar-a-Lago is not a secure place for such material.

Good Grief!

Just because the media has helped Trump mis-direct the issue, the candidate does not have to go along. The main issue is that Trump broke federal law. He is not the president. He can’t de-classify anything. The documents never belonged to him. He should never have taken them. He should have given them back when asked later. He refused. He should be indicted NOW…just like Marco Rubio and every other Republican would be demanding be done to former president Obama if he did the very same thing.

Candorville by Darrin Bell



At November 05, 2022 7:52 AM, Blogger Jack Vest said...

Dude! You're on a roll!! You be channeling Will Rogers: "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat".

At November 09, 2022 7:30 AM, Blogger Ted Ringger said...

Thanks, Jack. High praise indeed. Hope you feel the same way after this flood of rants is over.


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