Sunday, October 30, 2022

2022 Midterm Election Thoughts – # 2

Covid Memorial, Washington, D.C. (3 October 2021)

This installation of over 700,000 small white flags on the Mall
represented the number of Covid deaths in this country at
that time. In 2022, the toll exceeded one million…another
example of American Exceptionalism.

For some reason, the Democrats do not want to remind us that our economic problems are still connected to what Covid has wrought. Sure, Uncle Joe caught flack for saying the pandemic is over. That seemed obvious given that stadiums and theaters are full and schools are open. We are largely vaccinated, not locked down and the medical system is managing the cases that are serious.

Yet there is no attempt to remind us that Covid continues to be a world-wide problem that affects our supply chain. That and Putin’s war have made inflation a global issue that is ridiculous to pin on the president and Democrats. But if it plays well as a political message, go for it. I wish the Dems would try harder to not accept the blame for that.

By Kevin Kallaugher (Baltimore Sun)

I saw a clip of Dr. Fauci testifying before a House committee…questioned by Jim Jordan about how/why we continue to thwart our “liberties and freedoms” by all this mask-wearing.

Lio by Mark Tatulli

Of course, the Good Doctor was way too polite as he tried to note his public health priorities…when he should have said something like:

“There are over 560,000 people who no longer have ANY liberty and freedom, you effing moron. When are you going to stop being such a butt-head and understand that the virus doesn’t care about your politics and that people who are expressing their blessed freedom are the ones that are dying? Now, put on a jacket and act like a congressman.”

(January, 2022 – email to a physician friend)
Regarding the plague, of course one should hope for low Omicron mortality rates but that’s not going to move the needle in the dumb-shit community. At no time in human history have so many people chosen to refuse life-saving (FREE!) medicine. The proudly vaccine-defiant need to get very sick and die. Maybe the failing Democrats should instead urge everyone NOT to get vaccinated so the Republicans can reflexively oppose that and get jabbed.
And you wonder why I am a misanthrope…

Drew Sheneman, Newark Star Ledger

Note – I am 76 years old, fully vaccinated and twice boosted. This month I tested positive for Covid. The following day, symptoms included dry coughing, more sleeping and nose-blowing and a lack of mental energy. That’s it. It got no worse and four days later, I tested negative and felt great. This is a disease that has killed more than a million Americans. I suggest MAGA people pause a moment and think about that.

People who refuse to believe that Covid is real and refuse to take the (FREE) life-saving vaccine vote Republican.


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