Monday, September 23, 2024

Capitol Steps – Part 1

Ohio Capitol, Columbus (15 June 2009)

Many state houses predate the invention of the elevator, so stairs were essential to convey people to the higher floors of the building. Not all stairways were tucked away in remote corners of the structure. The open expanse of a spacious atrium directs one to a grand staircase that is often a major feature in capitol buildings. Impressive backdrops for ceremonies and photographs, they often front heroic artworks on the walls behind them.

Utah State Capitol, Salt Lake City (20 June 2014)

The post’s title is also an inside reference for D.C. Beltway types as there was a terrific political satire troupe with that name. They played in Georgetown for almost 40 years before Covid shut them down. Their motto was, “We put the ‘mock’ in Democracy.”

To date, twenty-nine state houses have been presented here. Photos of grand staircases were included in the posts for the capitols of Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Montana and Utah. In 2021, I devoted an entire post to the ‘Million Dollar Staircase’ in the New York capitol.

Following are more stairways not shown previously. Another post will zoom in to get closer to the details that make these buildings such interesting subjects.

Minnesota Capitol, St. Paul (24 September 2009)

The world is like a grand staircase,
some are going up and some are going down.
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

Pennsylvania Capitol, Harrisburg (15 May 2008)

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
Zig Ziglar (1926-2012)

Oklahoma Capitol, Oklahoma City (13 June 2008)

Life tells you to take the elevator, but love tells you to take the stairs.
David Levithan (b. 1972)

Virginia Capitol, Richmond (30 June 2008)

It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.
Vaclav Havel (1936-2011)

Thursday, September 05, 2024

2024 Election Thoughts - # 3

The DNC is over. Both nominations are official...and away we go. My, how things have changed since we last discussed this interminable quadrennial preoccupation.

But first, I can’t forget the Democrat convention we were expecting. Trying to be upbeat but fixated on Uncle Joe, hoping he hits his marks and ‘Debate Joe’ doesn’t show up again. I know that’s harsh. A national convention is supposed to be a whoop-de-doo to rev up the faithful and turn them loose back in their states for the campaign’s home stretch.

I’m sure the organizers would have staged as upbeat a show as they could. But I believe those watching would have judged the event a success if there were no embarrassing flubs. What actually happened was way more encouraging. It was a happy, raucous event that presented a clear contrast to the complain-athon at the RNC.

“We’re a third world nation. Illegals are overrunning the country and poisoning our blood. The Biden Crime Family is the worst thing ever. Pay no attention to the FACTS. If I don’t like it, it’s fake news. Only what I say is the truth. Everything here is a disaster and it’s THEIR fault. Only I can fix it because God himself sent me here.”

(There was a time when that nonsense didn’t work)

What shall we obsess over next? – Very soon after the convention, the media started to focus on candidate Harris. “Great convention BUT how are you going to convince us that you are serious? Are you doing the right number of interviews, releasing the right policy statements...whatever we say you haven’t done enough of or could be doing better.”


The Republican candidate, who long ago confirmed to all that he was a reprobate dumb as a box of rocks, gets a pass because...we all know the guy has been a scheming moral deviant forever so what he does now is not news. We need news.

Speaking of Moral Deviance - I cannot, must not, let that miserable, draft-dodging scum bucket skate on his latest obscene stunt at Arlington National Cemetery. In this hallowed sacred ground, there are rules about electioneering and conducting political stunts...especially in Section 60 where the dead from our most recent conflicts now rest.

Arlington National Cemetery (4 April 2023)

I don’t care if any of the families think it’s OK to let this heartless traitor exploit their connection to the fallen. It is not their call to make. Not here. Make a video at your home. Nobody...nobody is permitted to make political media in this place. Full stop.

John McCain once tried to include in an ad just TWO seconds of video of him on the grounds (his father and grandfather rest there) and immediately realized the mistake and cut it. On the other hand, Trump has never done anything wrong. He’ll tell you.

By Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News

Then to shame a cemetery employee who tried to enforce the photography ban by saying she had a “mental health episode” is ham-fisted cruelty. Candidate Bone Spurs...all thumbs-up and smiling around the grave markers, was beyond inappropriate and I hope this latest outrage moves the needle another bit toward sanity.

By Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal Constitution

That’s one of the infuriating things about this Trump/MAGA phenomenon. The rank hypocrisy. If Barack Hussein Obama did that, GOP veterans would DEMAND that charges be brought. If I brought a film crew to Section 60 and flaunted the rules about photography, I dare say EVERYONE would condemn my callous disrespect for our fallen. But when Orange Jesus does it, of course it’s fine so what’s your problem?