Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Another Election Day

As we have seen when the topic is about a subject I have not actually photographed, we will illustrate the post with the fine work of some favorite cartoonists.

Last month, I was in Madison, Wisconsin at a nephew’s wedding reception. I hadn’t seen his brother in many years and his first words to me were not, “Hi Uncle Ted. Long time, no see” but “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Clearly, the energy level in SOME of the electorate is high.

Pearls Before Swine by Stephen Pastis

This will be my 13th presidential election. I have voted for some winners and some losers. I have learned much along the way and, after chasing down all the past presidents and learning about their lives and times, I can’t help but care deeply about the office and its role in our great society.

I have long believed that presidents get too much credit when things go well and too much blame when things don’t. At the same time, the ignorance of so many of the voters defies understanding. I guess it speaks to the level of disgust and desperation among Trump’s supporters but it scares me that facts no longer matter. In addition to behavior that would have disqualified ANY candidate before now, he continues to hold onto his support despite blowing up every fact-checking device that exists. So, since truth no longer matters, we have 70% of Republicans STILL doubting the current president was American-born. Sixty percent STILL believe he is a secret Muslim. Give me a break!

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller

So, if you take anything away from this election season, Grasshopper, remember this…Politics is not about history and actual facts. It’s about perceptions. A lie repeated often enough will be taken by many as fact. The black guy WAS coming for your guns. So what if he didn’t. Now the woman will. Your job was moved to China but giving more money to rich people will fix all that. We can make America great again by preventing people who are different from entering the country or the citizens we don’t like from voting.

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller

In a sense, this election will not be over today. The issues, many of which were ignored by the candidates and their parties, will still be there. The level of support for a candidate that was so ignorant about how government works and clearly unqualified for the office points to bigger problems. …challenges that the leaders of BOTH parties have failed to address.

For all the bombastic promises Trump has made, has he once indicated that almost everything he says he’ll do will require approval and funding from Congress? No. He’s an authoritarian, narcissistic Mussolini wanna-be. “I don’t need no stinkin’ Congress!

Blondie by Dean Young & John Marshall

Finally, after seeing interminable hours of ads and reporting about both party’s efforts to “get out the vote,” I am amazed that no one in the media has brought up the idea of mandatory voting. If everyone were REQUIRED to vote, all the advertising and targeted effort to get certain constituents off their asses and to the polls would be eliminated. All the millions spent on disgusting, negative ads would have to be directed to policies and plans. Wouldn’t you rather have the candidates actually explain what they mean to do?

Hold your nose and vote for somebody.
It’s your civic duty and responsibility.

Or you can vote for me for King.

Merry Election Day

Candorville by Darren Bell