Friday, March 21, 2025

Shots of the Day # 52 – To Turn 15 in Spring

Quinceaňera with Azaleas (21 April 2024)

I don’t head out with the camera often enough. Unless that is the main objective...”We’re going here. You’ll want to take pictures.”

We had attended a Sunday opera recital in a classy uptown Baltimore church and took a stroll afterwards in a nearby park. Among the people enjoying the setting were a few Latino families celebrating their girl’s fifteenth birthday.

I complain about phone cameras in ways that barely hide my jealousy...”REAL photographers use REAL cameras and we’re proud to have to lug pounds of equipment into the we can later see that you made better images with a damn phone you carry in your pocket.”
Something like that.

Complaining aside, I’m glad we happened upon this young lady while she was posing for her photographer...and especially pleased that I had my phone with me.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Shot of the Day # 51 – Signs of Spring

A few years ago, a friend gave us a few extra ferns she had in her yard…and they have spread nicely all over one side of the driveway. They are especially attractive in the Spring when they are robust and fresh and fully cover the ground.
Front Yard Detail, Spring 2024 (25 April 2004)

I recall encouraging picture-takers to understand they needn’t go far to find good shots. One of my Covid-period posts was about that very thing – step out your back door…images are closer than you think.

One might respond – “I don’t have much of a yard...” My response would be that the objective is about composing and framing a scene. A shot is not about how much you can include but what needs to be there to make a pleasing presentation and what should be excluded. As suggested before, get closer.

If I zoom out from what you see here, the picture will include parts of the neighbor’s house, some fencing, our trash and recycling bins and part of my house. Had I included all that while being drawn to the lush green feather carpet, it would be much less appealing. The key is to crop out all that unrelated stuff. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

For Black History Month – Southern Civil Rights Sites – Part 2

Moton Airfield
Tuskegee, Alabama (20 May 2024)

Just a few miles from the Tuskegee University campus is Moton Airfield. Now a National Historic Site, Moton is where the famous Tuskegee Airmen trained.

Imagine the nation at war. Black servicemen had this crazy idea they could support the effort as more than porters and truck drivers. They wanted to fly fighter planes but had to go into the deep South to learn the skills. They did and they succeeded in the war, memorably escorting bomber missions and engaging German fighters in Europe.

So, the war ends. We win. A few years later, President Truman ends segregation in our military. Four Tuskegee Airmen stayed in the service and eventually achieved the ranks of general, Benjamin O. Davis and Daniel James being among the more notable.

Grave of General Daniel James
Arlington National Cemetery (3 April 2011)

After graduating from the Tuskegee Institute, ‘Chappie’ James 
trained the Tuskegee Airmen fighter pilots before flying many 
combat missions in the Korean and Viet Nam wars. He was the 
first African American officer promoted to the four-star rank.

News stories recently reported the death of Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart. We will soon no longer have any living Airmen as time continues to sweep up all those who survived fighting in World War II. Stewart loved airplanes and flying since he was a kid. While that TV tribute made the point that Stewart’s attempt to be a commercial airline pilot was rejected “because of his race”, the Washington Post obituary was more succinct. Applicant Stewart was told…in so many words, “You have to understand. What are all the (White) passengers going to think when they see a person who looks like you flying the plane.”

Instead of being thanked for their service, Black vets returned to the Exceptional U. S. of A. to be the same second-class citizens they were before. Fast forward 80 years and we must note the recent bonehead stunt to remove any mention of the Tuskegee Airmen in Air Force training programs…because some idiot thought that was too WOKE/DEI and Trump wants all DEI to disappear. Thankfully, even MAGA faithful in Alabama (where the Air National Guard F-18’s still have red tails) protested and the training references were restored.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

For Black History Month – Southern Civil Rights Sites – Part 1

It being February and I just posted the grave of VP # 13 in the Confederate bastion of Selma, Alabama, it seems appropriate to stay there and show a few of the historic places that factored into our nation’s long struggle for equality. This is especially appropriate in 2025 given we are going to hear nothing from the current administration on the subject.

While I complained about the oppressive heat in the South, the Great Sweaty Drive-away of 2024 brought us to a number of important historic sites…places that anyone interested in our nation’s history should visit…and appreciate…and pause to absorb their significance.

Edmund Pettus Bridge
Selma, Alabama (20 May 2024)

Edmond Pettus, like his Senate mate, J.T. Morgan, was also a former Grand Dragon of the Klan. He is memorialized on the bridge that crosses the Alabama River in Selma. The bridge that some want to re-name for John Lewis is famous as the site of the ‘Bloody Sunday’ violence in 1965 when civil rights marchers were attacked by Alabama police and Klan friends who welcomed the chance to legally attack Black folk in broad daylight

Just off Interstate 85, between Auburn and Montgomery, is the small City of Tuskegee. The entire campus of Tuskegee University, formerly the Tuskegee Institute, is now a National Historic Site. Founded in 1881 as a quid pro quo when the White state senator needed the votes in a majority Black county and promised to build a school for Black education. That was before the former Confederates made it easier to forget promises of Black improvement and just prevent Blacks from voting at all.
(Let the ‘You-Must-Not-Erase-Our-Heritage’ folk understand this is the history I want everyone to know.)

‘Lifting the Veil of Ignorance’ [1922]
By Charles Keck
Tuskegee University (20 May 2024)

The star of the Institute and one of the few Black Americans I recall learning about in school was Booker T. Washington. The founders of the new Tuskegee Normal School for Colored Teachers brought in Washington, only 25 at the time, to run the place. The new Principal stressed academic learning along with technical skills and moral fitness. In 1901, the Institute’s success led to Washington being the first Black citizen invited to the White House to dine with the president. Teddy Roosevelt caught some shit for that.

(Southern leadership’s repugnant reaction to the event should give you pause and remind you of our nation’s racist roots.)

Grave of Booker T. Washington
Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama (20 May 2024)

The founding Principal is buried near the campus
chapel not far from the grave of a famous faculty member,
agricultural scientist George Washington Carver.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Passed Vice Presidents - # 13 – William Rufus King

Grave of William Rufus. King (20 May 2024)

Served under Franklin Pierce
4 March 1853 – 18 April 1853 (died in office)
Preceded by # 12 – Millard Fillmore
Succeeded by # 14 – John C. Breckinridge

Born – 7 April 1786
Died – 18 April 1853 (age 67)

Buried – Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, AL
Date Visited – 20 May 2024

It was during the Great Sweaty Drive-Away of 2024 (the last time this old body does a road trip into the Deep South between April and October) when we collected two more American vice presidents. One was the traitor Alexander Stevens, Jeff Davis’s second in command. Five days later, we were in Selma, Alabama, the current residence of our thirteenth vice president, William Rufus King.

Live Oak Cemetery is a classic, moss-draped Southern gothic burial ground…liberally festooned with Spanish moss and Confederate imagery.

Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Alabama (20 May 2024)

Just because most of you have not heard of most of our nation’s vice presidents, doesn’t mean they didn’t have interesting stories of their own. Number Thirteen is no exception. Then Senator King joined Franklin Pierce from New Hampshire to win the election of 1852 after which he became the only vice president who took the oath of office outside the United States.

By this time in his career, he certainly had more of a resume than our modern-day Dan Quayle or Mike Pence running mates. The only vice president from Alabama was born in North Carolina, rose through state politics at a young age and was elected to the U.S. House in 1810. Unfortunately, at age 24, he was constitutionally prohibited from holding that office. Fortunately, he turned 25 by the time he was sworn in and away we go.

Historical Marker for William Rufus King
Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Alabama (20 May 2024)

He resigned from the House to work diplomatic assignments in Europe. Later, he would serve as Minister to France. After representing Carolina, King moved to the Alabama Territory, established one of the area’s largest slave-operated cotton plantations, and returned to Washington as the new state’s first senator in 1819.

As Senate President pro Tempore when Zachary Taylor passed and VP Millard Filmore became president, King was next in line for the Oval Office…in those dangerous times when two presidents died in the prior nine years. Tuberculosis encouraged King to escape to the friendly climate of Cuba where he took the oath of office…the only time a president or vice president took the oath on foreign soil. He was sworn in on March 24, 1853, and died April 18. The office was vacant for almost four years.

Confederate Soldiers Memorial
Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Alabama (20 May 2024)

A portion of the cemetery is private property owned by the United
Daughters of the Confederacy. Of course, it is a concentration of
installations dedicated to the glory of the Lost Cause. The Soldiers’
Memorial was dedicated in 1878 and refers to the conflict as the
“War for Southern Independence.”

Grave of John Tyler Morgan
Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, AL (20 May 2024)

John T. Morgan was a general in the Confederate army.
After the war, he became the Grand Dragon of the Klan and
leading opponent of Reconstruction. He served six terms
in the U. S. Senate and was as responsible as anyone
for the rise of Jim Crow apartheid government in the South.

Memorial to Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest
Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Alabama (20 May 2024)

I don’t get the South’s fascination with this guy. After Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, no one has more memorials than the general who massacred Black Union prisoners (see Fort Pillow) and later formed the Ku Klux Klan. Originally approved and placed at a Selma museum in 2000, it proved unpopular and was vandalized. It was relocated to the sanctuary space in the Confederate Circle where it fits right in with the Jefferson Davis memorial chair and the cannons that point to the north.

William Rufus King [1839]
By George Cooke

Finally, another thing that places Mr. King apart is his relationship with future president James Buchanan. For over a decade, as both served in various federal positions, the two never-married men lived together in Washington. They were a conspicuous couple that Andrew Jackson referred to as ‘Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy.’ As noted in the Buchanan post, I’d like to think we had a gay president over 150 years ago.

Our 13th VP was already the third to die on the job…after # 4 – George Clinton (1812) and # 5 - Elbridge Gerry (1814). One might think that his 45-day tenure as vice president would be the shortest on record, but the span is good for only third place behind promoted VP’s Andrew Johnson (42 days) and John Tyler (31 days) after Presidents Lincoln and Harrison died.

…and with that, we entered another long period of VP vacancy.

PS – Speaking of tuberculosis, it was reported today that the state of Kansas in the Exceptional U. S. of A. is experiencing the largest TB outbreak since monitoring began. However, since the new administration has suspended all public health announcements from the Centers for Disease Control and other federal health agencies, you will have to learn things like that from other sources…just don’t expect Fox News to be one of them. The stated reason for muzzling public health communication is…who the f—k knows? We’ll see how long the public will be happy with that. I said it years ago…we elect people who hate government to run government. If you prefer these agencies be eliminated, be prepared to deal with what happens next.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Shot of the Day - # 50 – Brutalism with a Flair

Brutalism with a Flair
Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco (30 November 2024)

By now, you understand that my photographic interests clearly do not involve living human subjects. I am drawn to landscapes and living, natural things but I also appreciate architecture and the designs of man-made objects. My State House Odyssey is as much about the beauty of rotundas, stairways and chambers as it is about the history of the place.

In 2017, there was the ‘Urban Abstracts’ post that presented portions of modern buildings connected or rotated to create new perspectives. I also enjoy framing a discrete view of a constructed space…one that emphasizes its balance of geometric shapes or patterns.

A new movie has reintroduced the concept of ‘brutalist’ architecture, the post WW II style that emphasized concrete form and function over decorative design elements. Our most recent vacation included a visit to Casablanca, Morocco. While the grand Hassan II Mosque has artistic features and magnificent details throughout, I wanted to isolate this one stairway…simple…balanced. Half angular. Half decorative. To my eye, totally exquisite.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Passed Presidents – Jimmy Carter and Me

On January 9, Jimmy Carter will be laid to rest next to Rosalynn and the fishing pond he created at their home in Plains, Georgia. The residence will become the Jimmy Carter National Historical Site, and the public will eventually be permitted access. While I expect one day to get there and keep my collection up to date, I have no idea when that might be. However, I can report on some personal exposure to the former president.

With the passing of our 39th president, it occurred to me that I have never actually seen in person a sitting president…no speech or stadium or parade. On only two occasions was I ever in the audience of any man who later became or had been president. Both times the person in question was Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter Rally, New Orleans (30 October 1976)

As it happened, candidate Carter came to New Orleans four days before the 1976 election. He was sprinting to the finish line in the South, which he hoped would carry him to victory. I was in the crowd in Jackson Square. Not that I was one of his adoring ‘Peanut Heads.’ He had my vote in ’76 because, while Mr. Ford was a nice guy, he pardoned that scum bucket Nixon. I was a ‘single issue’ voter that year.

I was too far away to photograph anything good and close, so I popped off a couple of shots and paid attention to the speeches. It was during my brief ‘Black and White Period’…one that developed negatives but never advanced into serious darkroom work. Now, thanks to the cool Wolverine digital converter, I can turn a film negative into a positive digital file. Then, as noted recently, one can seriously crop a shot to make more from less. When I did that, some recognizable figures emerge.

Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards Speaking at
Jimmy Carter Rally, New Orleans (30 October 1976)

Here our fabulously crooked governor, elected, scandalized and
re-elected, Edwin Edwards introduces Mr. Carter, visible on the far left.
It was reported that the state’s entire Congressional
delegation and New Orleans mayor Moon Landrieu were present.

Jimmy Carter Speaking at French Quarter Rally, New Orleans, (30 October 1976)

Candidate Carter speaks. Wife Rosalynn is seated in the front row.

Inflation was modest at the start of his term but increased to double-digit levels in his final year in office. As a Washington outsider, he had difficulty working with party leadership and then there was the Iran hostage crisis and his failed attempt at a rescue. Ronald Reagan’s victory in 1980 was overwhelming.

Cover of ‘Direction 85’ Program

Time passes. Carter and Ford got over their bitter campaign and began making public appearances together. No two former presidents became closer friends. For the rest of their active lives, Jimmy and Jerry worked together on dozens of public policy projects.

The above program from Tulane University’s public policy series notes their appearance on March 11, 1985 to discuss ‘The Presidency.’ I attended and remember the impact being in an auditorium with two former presidents. Their bipartisan friendliness feels prehistoric now.

When I get to Plains, we will drop a proper Passed President post for the man who, more than any former president, devoted his life to public service.