Sunday, October 20, 2013

Passed Presidents - # 31 – Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was elected our 31st president in 1928. The Republican won in a landslide the only elected office he ever held. He was enormously popular...a self-made millionaire, an organizational genius, a Quaker whose humanitarian works gained him world-wide acclaim. He continued his party’s hold on the White House at a time of unprecedented prosperity. It was Boom Time in the country and he was the perfect guy for the job.

Four years later, he was a bust. The Market crashed. The Great Depression was here and we had 25 percent unemployment. FDR beat Hoover by a wider margin than Hoover beat Al Smith. When he left office, he was grayer, thinner and quite beaten.

While he directed federal resources to banks, farm bureaus and other entities that could address the recovery, he did not support federal aid to the people most affected by the tanked economy. He was totally ineffective and tone deaf to the needs of the masses. Shanty towns and tent cities sprang up all across the country. They were called “Hoovervilles”.

“Hooverville” In Seattle
(From Google Images)

Herbert Hoover was born in West Branch, Iowa in 1874, the first president from west of the Mississippi River. One of two Quakers who became president, his faith stressed the values of hard work, peace and charity. Orphaned at 11, he moved to the west coast and was raised by an uncle. He entered Stanford University in its very first class and graduated with a degree in geology. He worked all over the world and became a renowned mining engineer with his own engineering and financial consulting firm.

Herbert Hoover Birthplace, West Branch, IA (23 October 2006)

At the same time, he always engaged in public service. He headed relief efforts for Americans caught up in the First World War, then the Commission for Relief in Belgium. He was so successful that President Wilson asked him to be the U.S. Food Administrator and Director of the American Relief Administration. The organization fed 350 million people in more than twenty countries after The War to End All Wars.

The Goddess Isis, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, 
West Branch, IA (23 October 2006)

The statue of the Egyptian Goddess of Life was a gift 
from the people of Belgium to honor Hoover’s 
humanitarian work during and after World War I.

He was Secretary of Commerce during the Harding and Coolidge administrations. During that time, he performed another administrative feat. The Great Mississippi River flood of 1927 was the worst natural disaster in the nation’s history. There were numerous levee breaches and the river was over one hundred miles wide in places. Hundreds of thousands were displaced in the south.

I am reminded of Randy Newman’s wonderful song – Louisiana 1927 and the following lyric:

President Coolidge, come down in a railroad train
With a little fat man with a notepad in his hand
President say, “Isn’t it a shame
What the river has done to this poor cracker’s land?”

Louisiana, Louisiana
They’re tryin’ to wash us away
They’re tryin’ to wash us away

(Go to the link to hear the song and see images of the flood)

I believe the ‘little fat man’ was Herbert Hoover. He orchestrated the response and recovery as only Hoover could. John Barry’s terrific Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How it Changed America notes that he convinced the railroads to provide free transportation for refugees and to cut rates for freight during the emergency. Contrast that with the lousy federal relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina where FEMA consistently botched the job but managed to cut sweet deals with favored contractors at profiteering rates. Want to buy a used trailer? Is this a great country or what?

Hoover Graves, West Branch, IA (23 October 2006)

Many First Ladies have significant stories of their own. From my grave-hunting perspective, it’s unfortunate that their last resting places alongside their husbands are often marked so insignificantly. Not so with Lou Henry Hoover. She has a grave that is equal to the president’s. She was the first woman to earn a geology degree from Stanford. She spoke Chinese and translated a classic, medieval mining and metallurgy text from Latin. Lou Henry was no lightweight.

Bert outlived Lou by twenty years. He died in his Waldorf-Astoria suite in New York City on this day in 1964. At over 31 years, his was the longest retirement of any president, until Jimmy Carter passed him. At 90, he was the second oldest president after John Adams until Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan passed them both.

Bert and Lou are buried together on a hillside in the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in West Branch, Iowa. The site includes his birthplace, Library and Museum.

Herbert Hoover
31st President; Served 1929-1933

Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA
Died: October 20, 1964, New York, NY
Grave Location: Herbert Hoover Birthplace, West Branch, IA
Date Visited: 10/23/2006


At October 22, 2013 6:05 PM, Anonymous Jack Vest said...

Ted, this will probably come as a surprise to you, coming from someone to the left of just about everyone you know, but Herbert Hoover is probably the most unfairly-maligned Republican in American history. God help me, I would kiss the hem of any Republican politician today that had the intellect, compassion, moral compass, and balls of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or Herbert Hoover.

Orphaned as an adolescent, Herbert Hoover worked his way through college at Stanford University and graduated with a degree in Geology. He went on to amass a considerable fortune. But unlike so many of today's American billionaire plutocrats whose fortunes are built by gaming the system, Hoover was truly a self-made man. His mining expertise and constant quest for new efficiencies led to bigger and bigger personal opportunities in Australia, China, and South Africa.

Although you mention Hoover's lead in providing aid to Americans caught up in World War I and to the refugees in Belgium, those of us on The Left are most impressed with his hugely unpopular efforts to aid the defeated German nation after the war. Even more impressive is his organization of efforts to provide relief to famine-stricken Bolshevik-controlled areas of post-Revolution Russia in 1921. When asked if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, "Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed!". Now THAT’s what I was talking about when I opened this missive lamenting the disappearance of Republican's compassion, moral compassion, and balls.

When Hoover returned from Europe in 1919 he was hailed by that centuries-old socialist rag, The New York Times, as one of the "Ten Most Important Living Americans". Democratic Party leaders wanted him to run for President on their ticket. But he demurred, confessing that he could not run for a party whose only member in his boyhood home had been the town drunk.

You were right, Ted, to give Hoover a lot of credit for the U.S. of A.'s efforts to help those devastated by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. But the credit is even more deserved when it is made apparent to those who don't know our history (aka Tea Party sympathizers) that this was the very first American government intervention of this scale for any kind of disaster relief. Hello! Was the United States government any help at all in San Francisco's Great Earthquake of 1906? No, that was all Red Cross and private humanitarian efforts! In 1927 this kind of government assistance was something totally new and it was initiated by a Republican.

Herbert Hoover's election to President of the United States of America in 1928 was due, in no small part, to his humble upbringing and to his tireless championing of those in their time of need. And wrap your heads around this you intolerant SOBs that still harp on Obama's background, his running-mate was Charles Curtis, the first (I'm thinking only) Native American Vice President.

Ted, you lambast the man for being "tone deaf to the needs of the masses" but let's compare his record to that of Obama or of his predecessor:

- Hoover engaged in many unprecedented public works programs including a huge increase in the Federal Buildings program and the establishment of the Division of Public Construction to spur public works planning. Wow! Sounds a lot like C.C.C. and W.P.A., doesn't it?

- Hoover initiated a giant $915 million public works program, including the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River (for years, FDR pettily renamed it "Boulder Dam").

to be continued . . .

At October 22, 2013 6:13 PM, Anonymous Jack Vest said...

- Hoover pushed for massive agricultural subsidies that were a precedent for the later Agricultural Adjustment Act.

- In 1930 Congress passed the Smoot -Hawley Tariff Act, which is today universally reviled as the first in a series of retaliatory acts by nations acting only in their own self-interest that resulted in a race to the bottom that greatly exacerbated a worldwide economic Depression. Hoover, against his better judgment, reluctantly signed the bill.

- In 1931 Hoover's calls for a halt in the reparation payments demanded of Germany by The Allies for damages incurred in World War I were met by much opposition and were ultimately unsuccessful. Today many historians point out that Hitler's rise was immediately preceded by Germany's 1931 economic crisis which was partially triggered by that country's paralyzing debt to the victors of "The War To End All Wars".

- It was Hoover that was instrumental in passing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932 which created a firewall between banks' lending and investment operations, the repeal of which in 1999 is blamed for many, if not most, of the reasons for the American economy's most recent catastrophe.

- The Hoover administration's final attempt to rescue the economy authorized funds for additional public works programs and the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to provide government secured loans. FDR greatly expanded the RFC as part of “his” New Deal.

- To pay for all of these government programs, Hoover raised corporate taxes by 15%, doubled the estate tax, and increased the maximum tax rate from 25% to 63%. Yes, you read that right, in 1932 the maximum Federal income tax rate for the very wealthy was raised by a Republican President to 63%!

Nevertheless, the economy tanked. That is why Herbert Hoover wasn't re-elected ("It's the economy, stupid!"). And that is why Hoover is wrongly vilified today.

OK, here's something for you stupid Tea Partiers to gnaw on: your socialist, communist, anti-Christ progenitor of everything that is wrong in America today, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, in his election campaign, blasted Hoover for "reckless and extravagant spending" and blamed him for thinking "that we ought to center control of everything in Washington as rapidly as possible". Roosevelt's running mate, John Nance Garner, accused the Republican of "leading the country down the path of socialism".

And while I'm on a roll, here's something for you die-hard I'll vote for Obama right-or-wrong Democrats: I wish Barack had half the balls that Herbert Hoover had (or, for that matter, Michelle has today, right now). He’d be leading this country rather than lecturing it.

At October 23, 2013 10:15 AM, Blogger Ted Ringger said...

Zowie, Jackson! I had no idea you were such a big Hoover fan. Thanks for these terrific replies. It is a shame that the man’s reputation hinged so much on those four years in office. He did seem adamant about not giving aid directly to people in need, preferring instead new or existing systems that would ultimately help the masses. The next election came and the public clearly wanted a change.

I also should have noted that the Hoover’s were criticized for their extravagant White House lifestyle BUT he also refused to take his salary as president. And you’re so right to point out how times have changed from then to now. We are so ignorant of history and still fall for the nonsense. Tea Baggers wouldn’t know a ‘socialist’ if they fell over one of them but you better “keep your dirty government hands off my Medicare”. Yes, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt are spinning in their graves but understand, even Saint Reagan would not be admitted into today's Republican party.

Great post. Maybe this could be the return of Howard Beale.

At October 23, 2013 10:17 AM, Blogger Ted Ringger said...

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